
Friday, February 29, 2008

Self Portrait

Thought I would post a photo of my new hair cut! And had to tell you about my new hair stylist, just in case you need someone to take care of your hair in Portland! Her name is Jen and she runs her own salon in which she works a few days a week. She also teaches for Paul Mitchell! Jen's one woman salon is called Transform and is located in NW Portland. You can reach her at 503-890-6631, tell her Kellie sent you...

Special Locations Shoots for Summer...

Well I woke up at 5:00 am and couldn't sleep. My mind started thinking about how I was looking forward to something new we are going to start this summer. We have two new location offerings, no dates yet, but here's the skinny. One weekend location will be a farm in the Cornelius area. One of our clients has a real working farm with barn, tractors, etc. They have graciously agreed to let us book a couple of shooting days there this summer. Really looking forward to that. We'll do a practice session with them there in a couple of months and I'll post a few pics on the blog when we do.

Another client has property at the Oregon Coast. They also have offered the use of that property for a weekend as well. From what they say, the weather is best there in September/October. We will take a test run down there also.

We'll let you know more as we figure out dates, costs, etc!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Last weeks eclipes of the moon...

Okay, so I have never taken photos of the moon before! Well last week during the eclipse, our friend Patrick was in town and we were all hanging out. One of my best friends, Stephanie called and urged me go to out and take some photos of the eclipse and I said I wasn't sure. It was cold, I was tired, and I am sure I could think of at least 10 other reasons not to go out. I am famous for that! Well further urging, or pulling and prodding by Doug and Patrick (who is also a photographer) they managed to get me outside. So the three us proceeded to work on capturing the moon during the eclipse. We had a blast and actually got a couple of cool shots. Thanks to Steph for calling! And Patrick and Doug for prodding!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One week to go...

I had a great pregnancy session with C & K today! We had to hurry up and get this done before baby N decided it was time to enter the world. We are remodeling our dressing room to make an area for some natural light shots and were able try that today. Thought I would post a few so they can have a sneak peek in case a quick trip to the hospital happens soon!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hi again... thought I better figure out how to add an image...

Last November Doug and I were in Catalina with our good friends Patrick and Alicia! We met a great group of four ladies who were driving around in their little golf cart. We took turns taking each other pictures. That's the cruise ship we were all on in the backgroud.

Ta Da

Well here is my first attempt at blogging! Had to get a new blog to go with the new web site. We are so excited to have found bludomain.com for our new web company. If you need a site, check them out!

I'll write more later...
