
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our Little Ava...

We had the pleasure of coming to Connecticut this week to see our daughter, son-in-law and of course grand daughter Ava. It was a quick trip, but I managed to take a few photos while we were here. And it was sooo nice to have warm weather, most of the days were in the 70's... I could get used to that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oh baby...

On March 30th we were able to attend a class taught by a master photographer from Colorado. We learned about lighting, posing and many of her formulas for success. I was able to use some of what we learned on a pregnancy portrait session I shot on Monday.

I was so happy to have A & C back in the studio yesterday. We had the pleasure of photographing there wedding six years ago and now it is time to welcome their first child! It is amazing how quickly time passes. Here's a sneak peek...

Monday, April 14, 2008

little miss k...

We had the fun of meeting little miss k for the first time on Saturday... although I have to say the fun was one sided =) I guess you could say she was less than pleased to come and visit us at the studio. We were able to get a few shots, then we all decided that this would be the "come and meet Kellie and Doug" session. We are all confident that miss k will be much happier to see us next week! We had a great time and can't wait to see what happens! Here is a sneak peek...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tiptoe through the Tulips...

We took the morning and went to Woodburn to visit the Wooden Shoe Bulb Company's annual tulip Festival. I have been watching the weather forecast to find just the perfect day for the journey! Doug and two of our daughter's, Brandy and Stefanie, and I were along for the festivities. I love taking photographs of flowers, so it was a fun break for me to get out and do something on the more artistic side. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love, capturing images for you all, it brings me the greatest satisfaction, but it is fun to occasionally get away and "play" for a little while. Here are a few pic's of the family at play, and a couple of my favorite tulip shots I happened to capture... Enjoy! And if you haven't been to visit Wooden Shoe, they have extended the festival until the 27th.

Doug and I relaxing...
Brandy, Stef and I...

Me and the big wooden shoes...

Doug and the girls...

Like mother like daugher???

Now for a few of my "fun" tulip shots...